Board, Commission and Committees
Boards, commissions and committees serve the needs of the Tribe and have seats open to Tribal Members. Please submit the form at the bottom of this page if you are interested in serving.
Child Welfare Review Board
The purpose of Child Welfare Review Board is to review any grievance filed by an un’ina after the Na’ini Family Services Supervisor has reviewed the actions of Na’ini Family caseworkers. The Tribal Council may, in its discretion, delegate additional authority to decide specific limited matters to the board. Board meetings are scheduled as needed.
Constitution Committee
The Committee’s purpose is to review revisions to the Constitution and to make recommendations to the Tribal Council and Membership. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Recommend revisions to the Constitution and participate in public meetings of Tribal Members regarding the proposed revisions.
• Review of new and/or established Ordinances to ensure compliance with the Constitution.
Court Code Committee
The Committee’s purpose is to review, revise and update the Kenaitze Tribal Court Codes, including related policies and procedures, to serve and empower the sovereignty of the Kenaitze Indian Tribe and to make recommendations to the Tribal Council. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Protect the Tribal rights of Kenaitze Tribal Members, Alaska Native people and other community members who request the services of the Tribal Court.
• Review recommendations from the Title IV-E Committee.
Education Committee
The Committee’s purpose is to provide culturally appropriate, Kenaitze Dena’ina support and guidance during the design, planning and implementation of a Tribal Education System and to make recommendations to the Tribal Council. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Review of the education-related programs and services offered and the Dena’ina Language and Culture Revitalization Project.
• Provide insight, knowledge and ideas of sharing, teaching and developing the Dena’ina language, culture and traditional knowledge.
Elders Committee
The Committee’s purpose is to provide culturally appropriate advice and to make recommendations to the Tribal Council regarding the Tribe’s Elders program. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Review proposed facility changes, programs and services offered at the Elders program.
• Review the annual program and social activities planning to include budget implications.
Election Board
The purpose of the Election Board is to supervise, administer, and conduct Tribal Elections. The Election Board shall consist of at least three Members and one alternate appointed by the Tribal Council for each Tribal General Membership Meeting. The Election Board shall serve from the time of their appointment until certification of the election for which the Board was appointed. The Election Board shall certify the election of Tribal officials immediately after the election. No Member of the Election Board shall at the same time be a Member of the Tribal Council or candidate for a position on Tribal Council. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
• Administer and conduct all Tribal Elections with the support of Tribal Member Services staff, the Enrollment Officer and Outside Firm.
• Review and approve all documents regarding Tribal elections before they are mailed to qualified voters.
Enrollment Committee
The Committee’s purpose is to provide oversight for Tribal enrollment procedures as defined in the Constitution and Enrollment Ordinance 2016-01 in a confidential manner and to make recommendations to the Tribal Council. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Review of Tribal enrollment applications to ensure that the Tribal enrollment regulations are being followed as defined in the Tribe’s Ordinance 2016-01.
• Presentation of approved applications for Tribal enrollment to the Tribal Council for review prior to the Annual General Membership Meeting.
Environmental Protection Committee
The Committee’s purpose is to research, protect and monitor all air, lands and waters customarily and traditionally used by the Kahtnuht’ana to the fullest extent of the law and recommend policies to the Tribal Council that will assist the Tribe in meeting its Mission, Vision, and strategic plan. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Review and make recommendations to the Tribal Council on Kenaitze Indian Tribe Ordinance 2007-01, Environmental Protection for Tribal Lands.
• Make recommendations to the Tribal Council regarding environmental impact advocacy and to uphold the United States trust responsibility regarding recognition of Alaska and Kenaitze Tribal land base in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, treaties and Rule of Law.
Finance Committee
The Committee’s purpose is to provide advice and to make recommendations to the Tribal Council regarding financial matters and financial policies. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Review financial audit reports and forward the auditor’s recommendations to Tribal Council.
• Review financial policies, annual draft budgets and budget amendments.
Hunting, Fishing and Gathering Commission
The Commission’s purpose is to provide oversight for the Tribe’s traditional hunting, fishing and gathering activities and to make recommendations to the Tribal Council. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Review of the End-of-Year Fishery Report and the Annual Fishery Plan and Curriculum.
• Recommend policy, rules and regulations of the Tribe’s fishing, hunting and gathering and recommend equipment and facility requests to the Tribal Council.
Kahtnuht’ana Development Corporation
The Corporation shall exercise the full authority of the Kenaitze Indian Tribe in all matters relating to economic development, business creation and expansion and exploitation of natural resources. The Corporation shall function as a separate and distinct entity from the government of the Kenaitze Indian Tribe. In support of these purposes, the Corporation shall:
• Develop such enterprises and business ventures as well as promote the orderly development and growth of self-sustaining and profitable business;
• Manage and develop the natural resources of the Kenaitze Indian Tribe in an orderly manner that will maximize their profitability to the Kenaitze Indian Tribe.
Kahtnuht’ana Dena’ina Health Board
The Board’s purpose is to make recommendations to the Tribal Council regarding matters related to the healthcare services at Dena’ina Wellness Center. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Review of existing and proposed healthcare services including but not limited to primary care, dental, optometry, behavioral health and wellness services.
• Review of credentialing for members of the clinical staff and evaluation of compliance and quality reports.
Land Committee
The Committee’s purpose is to make recommendations to the Tribal Council regarding policies regarding all lands, air and waters customarily and traditionally used by Kenaitze people. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Research, identify and maintain an updated inventory of all Tribal lands.
• Monitor reports of the environmental impact and the cultural significance of sites on lands owned by the Tribe.
Research and Review Board
The Research Review Board was established for the purpose of protecting and preserving the culture of the Tribe and to ensure that research activities are conducted in a way that does no harm to the culture of the Tribe, as stated in the Tribal Research Ordinance, which establishes how Tribal research policies will be administered. The Board’s duties include, but are not limited to, developing and submitting to the Tribal Council a statement of principles governing the Board with its responsibilities for protecting the rights and welfare of human subjects and the Tribe and identifying research priorities for the Tribe.
Kenaitze/Salamatof Tribally Designated Housing Entity Board
In accordance with the Tribally Designated Housing Entity Bylaws, the board members should become familiar with the Native American Housing Assistance and Self- Determination Act in order to make informed decisions regarding Indian housing issues. Responsibilities include but are not limited to, the review and approval of:
• TDHE’s operating budget for housing programs
• TDHE’s Indian Housing Plan
• TDHE’s Annual Performance Report
Nił Qenach’delghesh Board of Directors
The Board is the governing body of the Nił Qenach’delghesh, an Intertribal Consortium established by the Kenaitze Indian Tribe and the Ninilchik Village Tribe to provide broadband deployment and delivery, as well as any type of lawful business, enterprise, or venture for the benefit of the Tribes, Members, and/or service areas.
Tribal Employment Right Ordinance Commission
The Commission’s purpose is to establish an employment rights program in order to use these laws and powers to increase employment of Tribal Members, Tribal Members’ spouses, Alaska Native and American Indian people and businesses, to eradicate discrimination against Alaska Native and American Indian people, and to make recommendations to the Tribal Council. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Formulate, adopt, amend and rescind rules, regulations and guidelines necessary to carry out the provisions and the intent of the TERO Ordinance for Tribal Council approval.
• Hire and oversee the TERO Manager.
Title IV-E Committee
The Committee’s purpose is to make recommendations to the Tribal Council regarding the Kenaitze Child Welfare program to ensure that the safety and welfare of Tribal children. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Provide clear guidance and work in collaboration with the Tribe’s administration, family services and court programs through development of policies and codes to ensure compliance with Title IV-E program.