Qiz’unch’ Tribal Court
Chief Judge Evelyn Dolchok was appointed to a judgeship by the Kenaitze Tribal Council in 2013, and appointed Chief Tribal Judge in September 2019.
Judge Dolchok has completed training and earned certifications in a number of areas, including:
• Drugs & Drug Trends
• Child Welfare
• Domestic Violence
• Civil Mediation
She continues to attend classes to further develop her skillset as a judge.
Judge Dolchok is active in conferences held by All Rise (formerly National American Drug Court Professionals), National American Indian Court Judges Association, National Indian Child Welfare Association, and more.
Judge Dolchok is the presiding Tribal Judge for the Henu Community Wellness Court, which is one of just a few joint-jurisdictional courts in the United States. Weekly hearings are dually conducted with a State of Alaska Superior Court Judge at the Qiz’unch’ Tribal Court.
Qiz’unch’ is the Dena’ina word translating to “the right way, the truth.” Henu is the Dena’ina word for “hard work,” which describes the effort and dedication each participant puts into their recovery throughout this 18-24 month program. Witnessing the transformation take place in each participant is one of her greatest joys of being a judge.