Kahtnuht’ana Dena’ina
An event every week that begins at 5:00 pm on Friday, repeating until March 5, 2021
Wilderness Skills will be an outdoor preparedness and understanding course, touching on the elements and climate of the Kenai Peninsula and the gear and methods we can use to maintain our comfort and survival.
Instructor: Johnathon Rine, Jonathon Wilson, Robert Bearheart
Instructor Email: jrine@kenaitze.org
Recurring Zoom Link: https://kenaitze-org.zoom.us/j/99139163539?pwd=ajdiYysxUi9GNy9pOWsvMDJPai9wUT09
Meeting ID: 991 3916 3539
Passcode: 805953
Kenaitze Administration • (907) 335-7200
Dena'ina Wellness Center • (907) 335-7500
Education and College and Career Support • (907) 335-7667
Tyotkas Elder Services • (907) 335-7280
Na’ini Family and Social Services • (907) 335-7600
Kenaitze Tribal Court • (907) 335-7219