Kahtnuht’ana Dena’ina
An event every week that begins at 5:00 pm on Thursday, repeating until March 4, 2021
Exploring together the traditional crafts of many tribes, such as beading and tool making. Come together as a community to learn or to work on your own projects.
Instructor: Robert Bearheart, Anna Eason
Instructor Email: RBearheart@kenaitze.org, aeason@kenaitze.org
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/98521557247?pwd=V3JIVlZiaEtUc0sxZUN2Um84cnhIQT09
Meeting ID: 985 2155 7247
Passcode: 623858
Kenaitze Administration • (907) 335-7200
Dena'ina Wellness Center • (907) 335-7500
Education and College and Career Support • (907) 335-7667
Tyotkas Elder Services • (907) 335-7280
Na’ini Family and Social Services • (907) 335-7600
Kenaitze Tribal Court • (907) 335-7219